Which exam has to be given to get admission in IIT Bombay
For an undergraduate course in IIT Bombay, you need to qualify JEE Advanced with very good rank, In order to be eligible to appear for JEE Advanced exam, you have to qualify for JEE Main paper1.
Beside JEE for getting admission in IIT Bombay, you can appear for GATE and get admission in postgraduate.
All the very best and good luck.
1.) IIT- JEE Advance
2.) Gate
3.) Cat ( for MBA)
4.)for MCA courses.
5.) NATA
IIT Bombay, along with other IITs and IISc, conducts entrance examination for admission and pre-qualification of students for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
List of certain exams
- JEE (Advanced Joint Entrance Examination) for the B.Tech programme
- GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) for M.Tech and PhD programmes
- CEED (Common Entrance Exam for Design) for M. Des and PhD programmes
- UCEED (Undergraduate Common Entrance Exam in Design) for B.Des programs
- JAM (Joint Admission Test for M.Sc.)
You have to take jee mains and have to qualify the exam. After that you have to take the jee advanced and have to get the top rank with good marks. They you will get admission in IIIT Bombay.
Prepare well all the best for your exams.
JEE Advance for B-tech
GATE for M-Tech
JAM for MSc
IIT Bombay, along with other IITs and IISc, conducts entrance examination for admission and pre-qualification of students for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
1. JEE(Advanced Joint Entrance Examination) for the B.Tech programme
2. GATE(Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) for M.Tech and PhD programmes
3. CEED(Common Entrance Exam for Design) for M. Des and PhD programme
4. UCEED(Undergraduate Common Entrance Exam in Design) for B.Des programs
5. JAM(Joint Admission Test for M.Sc.)
Wish you all the best!
JEEAdvanced Joint Entrance Examination) for the B.Tech programme
GATE(Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) for M.Tech and PhD programmes
CEED(Common Entrance Exam for Design) for M. Des and PhD programmes
UCEED(Undergraduate Common Entrance Exam in Design) for B.Des programs
JAM(Joint Admission Test for M.Sc.)
All the best.
You have to give jee advance.
Further queries ask in comment.
Good luck